Hero photograph
Photo by The Rāroan

Welcome to Rāroa Normal Intermediate - Word from the Tumuaki / Principal

The Rāroan —

Kia ora tatou, Talofa lava, Mālō e lelei, Fakalofa lahi atu, Kia orana, Ia Orana, Bula vinaka, Namaste, Mauri, Taloha ni, Aloha, Halo ola geta, Kamusta, Groete, Χαιρετίσματα, Insamal, Wènhòu, Haikei.

I hope that everyone has had a lovely summer break and you got the opportunity to enjoy the sensational weather.

It has certainly been a unique start to the school year. Although it was disappointing that we could not have our traditional Pōwhiri, it was wonderful to be able to welcome our ākonga in teams with Mihi Whākatau. Thank you for your understanding and flexibility with the staggered start and alternative arrangements.

A special welcome to our new families. I hope your child has successfully transitioned into Rāroa. The team worked extremely hard to connect with families and contributing schools to help us provide a smooth integration to our school.

2022 will present us all with a number of challenges which we will work through together.

Thank you to our school community and whānau for the support you have already shown our kura in following the Covid Protection Framework guidelines. Your support is greatly appreciated by our staff.

Thank you to the wonderful students who feature in the photo; smiling behind masks. They represent the many students who are adapting to the current parameters set by the Ministry.

Teachers are also working within the guidelines set. This includes; classes operating in their home rooms, hygiene processes in place, entry and exiting systems, ventilation, regular outside breaks and outdoor learning opportunities. 

All steps taken are to ensure we can quickly and effectively identify close and casual contacts if required.

We are continually reviewing our processes and working with the Board of Trustees, through risk management approach to ensure the safety and wellbeing of our learning community. 

Ngā mihi nui

Stephen Eames 

Tumuaki / Principal