Hero photograph
Photo by The Rāroan

Traffic and Parking on Haumia St

The Rāroan —

Further communications on end-of-day routines and road safety.

Start of the day drop offs

If dropping off your child, please do not drive up the main drive after 8am. We have many students arriving onsite at this time and the combination of moving vehicles and children is not a good mix.

End of the day pick ups

Please do not pick up your child from the Haumia St entrance. We have had situations where parents are bringing vehicles up the drive around 2:50pm in order to pick up their child, then expecting to leave as soon as they have collected their child. This is a potential safety hazard; we have the majority of our students trying to exit via the drive at that time.

Please also refrain from parking on Haumia St or Tuapapa St. Traffic on Haumia is reduced to one lane if cars are parking on both sides, and vehicles parked in Taupapa St are preventing residents from accessing or leaving their properties at end of school day. It also impedes the ability of buses to arrive on time, impacting students who require these services to get home.

The safest alternative for parents wanting to collect their child from school is to arrange for pick up at the back entrance (Rāroa Park entrance) to the school. There is usually plenty of parking available at Rāroa Park, all off the main road and it is safer for pedestrians to be collected from this point.

Thank you for your cooperation and support.