Hero photograph
Photo by The Rāroan

Whai Wahi Camp

The Rāroan —

Tīma Whai Wāhi set off on their wild Makahika adventure last week.

Room 2 and 3 set off at the beginning of the week, whilst room 1 and 4 joined for the latter half of the week. The Makahika Outdoor Pursuit Centre saw our students being immersed in an awesome range of outdoor activities such as ziplining and high ropes. It was a challenging, fun filled environment which saw some fears being conquered and plenty of fun being had.

The rain held off and the tents provided a warm night of comfort and healthy 8+ hours of sleep for all. The lodge provided a lovely community space where food, tales of daily adventures and laughter was shared. We were lucky to experience the awesome landscape and greenery in the area completing adventure races, bushwalks, bivouac making and undertaking river crossings. It was an awesome week, the facility and staff were incredible, it will be one to remember for sure!