Hero photograph
Photo by The Rāroan

Welcome Back - Word from the Tumuaki/Principal

The Rāroan —

Kia ora e te Whānau,

Welcome back! I hope you all had a wonderful school holiday and took the time to rest and recharge your batteries. Now that students have fully settled in, it is the term for them to get stuck into learning programmes and make the most of the opportunities at Rāroa.

This term will once again be full of exciting challenges and opportunities for growth. I know students have returned from the break ready for the wonderful challenges ahead.

You would have received team level communication, outlining learning programmes. As you will have seen they are well designed and provide stimulating learning experiences.

As you know, school was closed on Monday for our Teacher Only Day to allow staff an opportunity to be involved in some rich professional growth and development. We had a fantastically productive day, focusing on high quality teaching and learning. Teachers looked at effective feedback and reflection to support the design and delivery of quality innovative teaching and learning. Thank you for your support - the work we did will definitely have a positive impact on your child's learning.

This week has also been our ‘Day at Rāroa’ week for year 6 students to come and experience the Rāroa environment. It is lovely to be able to give our upcoming students a positive day, which is one part of our transition process. Enrolments for 2024 are now open. If you know of families intending to come to Rāroa next year or are interested in finding out more about Rāroa, please encourage them to make contact.

Ngā mihi nui

Stephen Eames