Hero photograph
Photo by The Rāroan

Icy mornings - Word from the Tumuaki/Principal

The Rāroan —

Kia ora e te Whānau,

Students have settled into the term extremely well, braving the bitter cold mornings and getting stuck into Term 3 learning programmes.

This week we have enjoyed meeting prospective parents at our parent evenings and open days. It is always a joy to be able to open our doors to new families in order to build relationships and help with the transition process.

Feature photo - Miki and Gabbi from Room 25, two of six students who supported our open evenings, with amazing speeches. We are extremely proud of them all. 

I want to take the opportunity to thank our Board of Trustees. They have been an amazing asset to the school. Consistently looking for ways to enhance learning environments, provide opportunities to our students, support staff and myself and make Rāroa an amazing space for students. With a strong focus on students achieving their best in a place that supports their wellbeing. I am extremely grateful for the ongoing support they have provided.

Thank you, 

Janet Green, (Board Chair)

Sarah Lewis,

Dave Clarke,

Paul Jenkins,

Robyn McInnes

Jordan Price (Staff rep).

Rāroa appreciates all that you do for the school.

Ngā mihi nui

Stephen Eames
