Hero photograph
Photo by The Rāroan

Addressing Rāroa's property needs

The Rāroan —

Although not extremely attractive having fencing all over the school. It is wonderful to have so much work going on to repair aging gutters and ensure that all our buildings are completely watertight so that we can have warm, comfortable classrooms and sheltered walkways.

With a school that is 50 years old there will always be work required to maintain buildings. We are working extremely hard to make sure that all our classrooms and buildings are well maintained. It is important to note that all the property work uses additional funding and does not draw on any donated funds or operational funding. 

We still haven’t had a timeframe on the redevelopment project. However, really good progress has been made in regards to the design work and we have a plan in place to stage the project so that there is minimal disruption. Although, it is likely to be a wee way away yet.