The Rāroan 16 December 2021
The Rāroan
Last week, our 700 students got Actively Involved in a wide range of activities. Our kaiako went above and beyond with their planning and preparation under complicated circumstances with Covid.
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Welcome to our fun new Summer Reading Challenge!
Rāroa Normal Intermediate is an optional BYOD School (Bring your own device). School wide Wifi access is free to students through their school log on. The advantages for students bringing their own devices are many and varied. A student-owned internet capable device can provide valuable learning opportunities.
Kia ora e te whānau
As the year draws to a close, the Board has been busy developing the 2022-2024 Strategic Plan. The plan will be ready for you to view at the start of Term 1, 2022. In the meantime we wanted to share a summary of the feedback we received via the Parent Survey this term.
In recent weeks, some of our students sat the International Competitions and Assessments for Schools, more commonly known as ICAS.
Students start school on Thursday 3rd February. We have a Pōwhiri to welcome new students and staff to the school starting at 8:45 am. New students should arrive no later than 8:30 am and wait on the turf (bottom of drive near Bee Healthy). If your child requires them to see their learning space before the first day, please come in on Wednesday February 2 between 10:00 am- 12:00 am. All teachers will be available to meet any visiting whānau.
We wish you well Matua Sean, Papakōwhai are lucky to have you.
This year, approximately 120 Year 7 & 8 students incorporated the Otago Maths Problem-Solving Challenges into their learning experiences, in order to further develop their problem-solving skills.
The Rainbow Run went ahead as planned on Wednesday in scorching 26 degree heat and our tamariki had an absolute blast!
Could you spend 8 hours playing chess online? Five of our amazing students did just that as they represented Rāroa at the Chess Power Team Nationals Tournament.
Rāroa Normal Intermediate attracts amazing, high quality teachers who are specialists in middle school education. We are super lucky that all but one of our teachers will be returning in 2022.
Some rights reserved Rāroa Normal Intermediate , 2024