The Mission is at Home and in us - Workshop with Alfred Tong
Join us at Alfred Tong's workshop on Sunday 13 September, 3.30pm in the Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church - William Street
How does the command to 'proclaim the Gospel to all nations' translate to Mission in our Church Congregations and communities today?
Given the multicultural nature of our Church, it has never been more opportune to ask the following questions in the way we can mission outwards:
- What can all our different cultures offer in terms of gifts and talents that improve the home environment we live in?
- How can we embrace all cultural diversity, yet move and breathe in the One Body of Christ?
- How do we allow the Good News to breathe in our communities, and address the spiritual needsof each unique individual in our congregations?
This workshop will include an introduction to some common liturgical hymns in other languages, not exclusively but including Te Reo Himene/Waiata.