Hero photograph
Photo by Shelley Muirhead

American Hot Dog Lunch

Shelley Muirhead —

The Friends of Saint Paul's (FOSP) team are selling American Hot Dogs for lunch next Thursday 29th November 2018.

Each Hot Dog will cost $3. Orders are to be placed in an envelope with the name of your child, their class, the quantity of Hot Dogs required and these are to be handed to the class teacher by Tuesday morning at the latest please.

On the day there will also be other items to purchase so please send along some change with your child. Cookies $1, Juice, chips and popcorn all 50c each.

We desperately need helpers to make this happen. PLEASE let the office know if you are able to help for a couple of hours over lunchtime. Many hands make light work, thanks in advance. Also...sausage sizzle and juicies for sale the following Thursday, more details to follow and helpers needed for that day too please.

All funds raised go towards supporting school resources and learning experiences for all our students.