Maureen Phillips — Apr 30, 2020

Captain Tom has inspired our world and he is the inspiration for our faith reflection this week. Happy Birthday Captain Tom

In recent weeks, many people have asked "what lifestyle change will you make as a result of Covid-19?"  Many have experienced more family time, walking together, cooking together, learning together and creating together.  We have had the opportunity to view the incredible initiatives undertaken by individuals who wish to make a difference in the lives of others. One of these, Captain Tom, has captured the attention of the world through his steps of love for his fellow men.

As a world there is much we need to change and there are so many in need of love, empathy, generosity and protection.  I was taken by this message I found on a Jesuit website 'Pathways to God'.  It holds a challenge for our world, if we think of Captain Tom, we know it is possible to achieve.

St Ignatius says that love shows itself more in deeds than in words. Words are important, especially as Pope Francis reminds us, those simplest and hardest of words - “please”, “sorry”, “thank you” – but we show our love more by what we do. St Paul in his letter to the Romans urges us to ‘outdo one another in showing honour’ (12:10); to look for occasions when we can honour others by showing them our love. St Jan Berchmans SJ, a Flemish Jesuit and one of the patrons of Jesuits in formation, speaks of doing ordinary things with extraordinary love … cleaning the bathroom, emptying the bins, chopping the vegetables, making a cup of tea, buying groceries for a vulnerable neighbour, phoning or writing to someone. Looking out – taking the gaze off myself and what I want and need and looking out for one another. If we want to change the world, we need to start small. To start out on a journey, we have to take a step, one step, followed by another, followed by another, followed by another. One small, loving step at a time.