Hero photograph
Photo by Maureen Phillips

Farewell Sue Moriarty

Maureen Phillips —

It is with mixed feelings that we announce the resignation of Junior teacher Sue Moriarty.

Sue has been with Saint Paul's since 2000 and during that time been a teacher to many, a friend and colleague to the  staff who are with us now and those who have been a part of the school since early beginnings.  We will miss her but we certainly share in the joy filled anticipation she has as she looks forward to spending more time with family and in her favourite leisure pursuits.

With her goes the many years of experience and wisdom that is associated with someone who has been part of our school traditions and learning for some time.  We will be farewelling Sue at our End of Year Mass on Friday 15 December.  Meantime we wish her and Denis every blessing as they enjoy some adventures together in the coming years.

The following words are from Sue:

Farewell Saint Paul’s

I have been teaching at Saint Paul’s for 18 years, having started in 2000, the year after the school opened. It was very exciting to be part of the team, at a brand new school, in its early formation years. I have enjoyed watching the school grow and flourish. Saint Paul’s has a well-deserved reputation as a school where our students achieve highly, care about each other, their school and the wider community and most of all have fun! I have specialised in Junior School teaching, having taught Year 0-4 at Saint Paul’s and moving classrooms 7 times! I have high regard for all my colleagues and want to pay particular tribute to the Teacher Aides who have so wonderfully assisted me over the years. Likewise, I have appreciated all the time and help given by many parents. I have found the Saint Paul’s parent community very supportive and encouraging.

Some highlights for me have been our Performing Arts Shows involving every student, the school visit to the Whakatu marae and many different environmental projects. Something that really gives me a buzz is when a former students come up to me to say “Hello Mrs Moriarty” and have a chat, as teenagers and young adults. So make sure you all keep doing that! Best wishes to all at Saint Paul’s for the future years to come.