Hero photograph
Photo by Maureen Phillips

Parish and School as One

Maureen Phillips —

Last night we celebrated our Parish and School Mass followed by a picnic.

On the first day of Autumn we were able to enjoy a lovely evening together.  Our classrooms were open for children to share a little of their learning before we gathered for our Mass.  Our Parish Priest, Father Seph Pijfers, celebrated the Mass and we were also joined by Merrick Mitchell our Lay Pastoral Leader, a number of parishoners, parents and grandparents.  A highlight for everyone was our wonderful Samoan community sharing a ritual from their culture.  Those gathered were greatly moved by the beautiful singing and dance that is part of their Offertory Procession. The picnic on our back field was a wonderful finish to the evening.  

Many thanks to all of you who joined us and who made it possible for our children to join us.  Thanks also to our wonderful staff who frequently commit to school events that take them away from their family again.