Hero photograph
Photo by Maureen Phillips

A Life Well Lived

Maureen Phillips —

Today we farewelled Bill Coman who died a week ago today. Bill was instrumental in the establishment of Saint Paul's and Garin College.

Sometimes in life we have the privilege of knowing a truly inspirational person.  For me, Bill was such a man.  He was the model of authenticity in living the values of our faith giving his time with extraordinary generosity for the benefit of those in our community.  Many people speak of his mentorship as they established their business, but for myself personally I will always remember with gratitude Bill's mentorship when I chaired the Establishment Board for Saint Paul's.  Bill, Mick Alder, Bob Rankin (grandparent of Sophie and Kate) were the people who worked with Cardinal Tom Williams to commence the process of bringing Catholic schooling to Richmond.  Once they had achieved agreement for the project, the Establishment Board was formed and the work began.  The process was often challenging and Bill was always a phone call away with the voice of wisdom and experience.  He has continued to show an interest in our school, supporting us as he could.  Bill was also instrumental in accessing the land upon which Garin was built.

Our Catholic schools are a Taonga for Richmond and therefore we have much to be grateful for as we farewell Bill and remember a man  who devoted his life to family, faith and community.  I will always remember him as a man who modelled integrity, wisdom, love and faithfulness in his words and actions.  Rest in peace Bill.