Te Kura o Kirikiri Tatangi – Seatoun School
Welcome back to 2022. It has been a very settled start to the year. We have made adjustments to programmes to manage the new circumstances that we are dealing with and greatly appreciate the way the students are adapting to these and whānau support we are receiving. The children have settled into school quickly and our focus is to keep them safe, happy and learning. We are all finding wearing masks all-day challenging and are spending additional time outside each day, where we can take masks off!
We have a number of new families in our school, with quite a few returning from overseas. To new families in particular, we welcome you to Kirikiri Tatangi - Seatoun School. Our whakatauī, kia kirikiri tatangi ki te ao, the children who will make their mark on the world, is what we aspire to achieve.
We continue to be ready to make changes as required over the next period of time. I am very aware of schools further up the North Island who have numbers of staff and students isolating right now and we are as prepared as we can be for this eventuality at our school.
Attached to this Steeple Rock are team newsletters and long term plans. When you read these, you will see what an action packed term we have in front of us!
Our new Science Enrichment programme commenced this week. Each class from Year 3 upwards, is receiving a 90 minute science lesson each week.
This year we have also increased our numeracy support and enrichment programmes in Years 3-8. In addition to the regular classroom Math programme, we run small group sessions for extension and support now two days a week, up from one in past years.
3 Way Conferences (Learner - Teacher - Parent) - Monday 4th April
We are looking forward to establishing the 3 way parent, teacher, learner conferences this year. These will be 15 minute conferences where we will confirm the first set of learner goals for the year, check in on the start and ensure we are all heading in the right direction for the year.
The school operates differently this day, and your child is to only come to school for their interview time. We will be sending home a brief agenda the week before these conferences, which you will return with your feedback. Booking times will be available in the next couple of weeks.
We run our After School Care Programme on this day. You can register for this via Enrolmy