Hero photograph
Photo by Carolyn Newman

From The Principal 24 Feb

Carolyn Newman —

As you will be aware, we had to implement our processes for a positive COVID case today. Thank you to everyone for all your support and assistance. The systems we have in place have worked well. 
New Zealand will move to Phase 3 at 11:59pm tonight. Key differences that I have seen are:
  • Only confirmed cases and household contacts will be required to isolate.
  • All other contacts will be asked to monitor for symptoms, but do not have to isolate.

I expect schools to be given guidance from the Ministry of Education early this evening.  Once I have this and have synthesized it, I will communicate any updates.

The key change I predict will be that close contacts, part way through isolating, who do not have any symptoms, will be able to leave isolaton.  In our context, those sent home today will be able to return to school tomorrow :-).  

 I am sure we will have additional cases over the next few weeks. Our plan is to keep notifying you if there is a case in the school / class. We know that only 4% of transmission is from within schools, so they continue to be very safe places to be.

We really appreciate that families are keeping their children at home if they are unwell or have any symptoms.
When I walk through the school I see extremly high levels of mask wearing and all of us following our health measures. Remember to make sure your child has a warm jacket every day. Our doors and windows are open and we are outside more!

While we all enjoy socialising and seeing other parents out the front of the school, I am concerned that we have too many people too close together.  Once you have your child, please do leave the front of the school.  It is great that so many are in masks.

We are also implementing the next stage to reduce the chances of virus transfer. We will be stopping any across-class groups and enrichment programmes (unless tey can be done via video) and swimming for Year 3 and 4. These precautions are designed to keep us all safe and healthy and as many people at school as possible.

Communications today have mainly been through HERO.

Kind regards and stay safe

   John Western