Applications for 2024 Residency
Applications for 2024 resident membership at Selwyn College open 1 August and close 30 September. All applications received during that time will be considered on equal merit, so there is no need necessarily to rush the submission process.
Applications are submitted online via the University of Otago’s Student Accommodation Centre. For more details visit:
For those who have visited Selwyn (even online) and like what you have seen and felt, we encourage you to apply. Members of our community are diverse, hailing from a wide range of schools and geographical locations across the motu.
The number one question we are asked is “what should I include in my application”? Naturally you will look to share a summary of things you have ‘done’, so your achievements and extracurricular involvement and interests, however what Luke (our Warden) loves to also gain from reading applications, is a sense of ‘who you are’. Not always an easy task putting into words, though you might wish to consider things like how your whānau/friends might describe you; what’s important to you in life; your connectedness to wairua, your ahurea tuakiri (cultural identity), etc; values which shape you.
He tina ki runga, he tāmore ki raro – a strong foundation leads to flourishing and satisfaction in life.
Good luck with your application!