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Book Week

Sarah Coursey —

In week 2 of this term, Selwyn House School will be celebrating all things to do with books, reading and libraries during our 2023 Book Week!

In addition to fun activities in the library throughout the week, we have two exciting NZ authors lined up to speak with the girls. Kate Preece, author of One Weka Went Walking will Zoom in from the Chatham Islands on Monday for a talk with each year group. On Wednesday, Tania Roxborogh, author of the NZ Children's Book Awards winning title Charlie Tangaroa and the Creature from the Sea, will be at school to work with students from years 5-8.

The week will finish with a book character dress-up celebration on Friday 12th May. All students and staff are invited to come dressed as their favourite book character and join our book character parade at lunchtime. We are supporting local charity Books4Babes and ask that students bring a donation of a second-hand book in good condition suitable for an under 4 year old, or a gold coin donation on this day.

- Sarah Coursey, Librarian