Hero photograph
Photo by Emily O'Neill

Football Development Officer News

Khalil Gerbeaux —

Dear Selwyn United members and footballing community, 

It is with a mixture of sadness and excitement that I announce I will departing my role as Football Development Officer for Selwyn United in 2023, to move overseas and take on a new role in Europe. 

It has been my pleasure to serve the club for the past 3 years, and I have thoroughly enjoyed my time here working with the board, staff, coaches, referees, volunteers and club members. 

I first came to the club as a player and coach in 2015 and really loved everything the club was about. The club was still newly establishing itself after its merger in 2013, but driven by incredible people behind the scenes who had a fantastic vision for the club. 

Selwyn United built a strong place in my heart, and so I was stoked when I had to opportunity to be able to return to the club for my dream role at the end of 2019. 

Working in the community space has been so rewarding, connecting with coaches, players, schools, the Selwyn Sports Trust and Selwyn District Council. Launching and driving Futsal programmes, growing Girls & Women’s Development, Summer Football, Football Hubs, Holiday Programmes and so much more. 

I have made lasting connections with everyone at Selwyn United and the club will always be a part of my extended family. 

A special thank you to a few key people from my time here: 

Jym Findlay, who has been an incredible volunteer for the club and helped massively with launching our Girls Only options for First Kicks and Fun Football, and expanding our 10th Grade In-House Competition into two 6 team leagues with a re-grading system to help get more competitive games between teams. 

Michelle Marshall, who constantly goes above and beyond as General Manager and puts in so much work behind the scenes. 

Vince Binding, who has been instrumental in driving the Girls & Women’s game at the club, offered stability and took on an incredible amount of volunteer work behind the scenes. 

Scott Sheridan, for all your wisdom and support off the field.

Martin Allen, for your incredible work and support in the Junior space in particular with the 9th and 10th Grade and assistance with coach workshops. 

Paul McIntosh, for all your hard work organising our own 10th Grade Festival when it got cancelled last year and your help with the West Melton Hub. 

Keren and Derek Cotton for all your support off the pitch as team manager, mentor, cameraman, kit-man and just about everything else in between. 

Gerard and Stan de Rooy, another couple of people who put in countless hours behind the scenes the often don’t get seen. Making and moving goals, building a grandstand, dugouts and perhaps the biggest achievement of all getting the council to build a desperately needed turf that is the envy of all clubs around the region. 

Lee Padmore for all your support with bringing the club’s football development plan to life, and your support with my development as a coach. 

Dan Ede for being the one to reach out and bring me back to the club, doing a brilliant job on and off the field as club captain and putting in countless hours behind the scenes which often didn’t always get seen. 

Will Mitchell and John Morgan, for all your hard work, help and support in the TDP space as Colts coaches. 

And finally Chris Brown for all the countless hours spent in the office together to collaborate on all things football. 

There are countless other names I could mention that are the heart and soul of the club, and are a big part of the reason I have thoroughly enjoyed my time here. 

It has been incredible to see how far the club has come, and the players it is producing coming all the way through the player development pathway. From Skills Centre to Talent Centre to Southern/National League and even professionally with the Phoenix and All Whites! 

Above all though creating not just good footballers but good people. I am beyond excited to see the club continue to push the limits on what a football club can achieve in the years to come. 

I look forward to my last couple of months in the role ensuring a smooth transition for the club, before my departure in March 2023. 

Thank you to everyone who has been a part of my journey, and no doubt see you all again in the near future!

Khalil Gerbeaux | Football Development Officer