Human Rights Commission — Dec 6, 2021

The Child Poverty Monitor is a joint project of the Office of the Children’s Commissioner, J R McKenzie Trust and University of Otago. Since 2013, the Monitor has helped Aotearoa New Zealand understand how poverty and hardship among children is tracking.

Each year, we report how many children live in poverty, how it impacts them on a key set of measures, and what progress has been made. It aims to spur urgent action from government and society to eliminate child poverty. 2021 is a significant year for the Monitor. We are digging deeper into the Government’s targets to see whether they’re on track for all children, particularly Māori, Pacific and disabled mokopuna. Due to uncertainties around COVID levels, we are launching this year’s report online via Facebook. At our launch, we will be hearing from mokopuna, discussing the report’s findings with new Children’s Commissioner Judge Frances Eivers, and exploring what we need to do so all children can live their best lives.