Hero photograph
Walking School Bus
Photo by Carolyn Crow

Walking School Bus

Carolyn Crow —

A great way to get to school!

A walking school bus is a group of children who walk together to/from school with parent supervisors along a set route. The children have fun, socialise with other children and arrive at school on time. It’s also a healthy way to get to school and reduces congestion at the school gate.

Our walking school bus routes:

Woodridge – leaving from Woodridge by playground at 8.25 

John Downs – start opposite No 32 at 8.20

We would like to start walking school buses from other streets around our school. If you are interested in finding out more about Walking School Buses contact Mrs Wallbank: cheriew@sherwoodprimary.school.nz. 

We also have a drop and walk system, where children get dropped off at a street away from the school and walk the remainder of the way to school. Children who do this can get a ticket from Mrs Wallbank and they will receive a reward when they have filled up their ticket.