Carolyn Crow — Nov 12, 2019

We are now halfway through the term and it's very busy!

I've particularly noticed over the last few weeks how community-minded our students are. It's great to see our senior students motivated to take action towards better outcomes both for themselves and others. 

One group of Year 6 students took initiative and organised a cupcake baking session. They wanted to raise money to help cover the costs of next year's Year 5 & 6 camp (even though they themselves will have moved on to intermediate and so won't benefit from the fundraising). They produced beautiful cupcakes to sell to the Year 4-6 children which disappeared in no time! After using their maths skills to calculate the profit (we made sure they took into account the cost of ingredients) a good sum of money was raised.

Our Year 5 & 6 students as part of their inquiry on migration, have learned about the plight of refugees. Several groups of students were spurred into taking action to help the organisations that support refugees. Two wonderful raffles and a garage sale have been organised to raise money for this cause.

And you will see in an article in this newsletter that our students are also stepping up to keep our grounds rubbish free. We appreciate their efforts into making our school environment more pleasant. Other students and their parents gave up their time to work in the Enviro Garden last weekend. The results are fantastic.

With their caring and generous attitude, no doubt we will see our students continue to make a valuable contribution to the community as adults in the future.