Pōhutukawa Term 4 Learning
We're excited about our learning this term
Health -
Sun Safety
Digital Awareness
Inquiry Learning Area - The Arts:
Big Idea - The Performing Arts allow us to express ourselves and our ideas and extend our creativity in a variety of ways.
Lines of Inquiry -
Dance and drama can be shared with others.
Dance and drama can tell stories.
We are excited to present a production this term.
Literacy -
The ‘Terrific 10 Comprehension Strategy’ we will be focussing on is Summarisation.
Summarisation is a strategy in which we deliberately think about what we know and the most important ideas the author is telling us.
Practise at home:
After reading a paragraph, ask the following questions:
What are the main ideas?
What are the important details necessary to support the main ideas?
What information is irrelevant or unnecessary?
This term, we will be focussing on Narrative writing. Students will work on writing stories and learning about the characters, setting, problem and solution. In Term 2, we focussed on the character and setting descriptions. We will work on the problem/complication and resolution this term. We are writing to entertain, so we focus on using lots of detail and descriptive language.
One way to help your child at home is to brainstorm together. This could be an oral exercise. Think of a character and a setting. Then brainstorm problems together. Think of solutions to the problem.
Library Day: Thursday
Maths -
Revision of addition/subtraction, multiplication/division, fractions/proportions & ratios.
This term, we will focus on problem-solving strategies.
Strand: Statistics - Statistical literacy and investigations.
Statistical Investigations
Students will be learning to:
Pose investigative questions.
Plan for and collect category data.
Display data in tally charts, pictographs and bar graphs.
Make statements about data displays.
Answer the investigative question.
Statistical Literacy
Students will be learning to:
Make a statement about a data display
Decide if they agree or disagree with a statement about the data display
Give reasons to support their evaluation of the statement
Digital Technology -
Typing skills
Children will be learning to type with the correct positioning of hands, and learning where the letters are on the keyboard. We use Dance Mat Typing. Children can practise at home.
Specialist Subjects
PE (Thursday) -
Please ensure your child has suitable footwear for sport on this day. They are also welcome to wear the school PE uniform if they have it, but this is optional.
Focus: Run, Jump, Throw & Create a Game
NZ Curriculum Key Concepts:
Identify risk and use safe practices in a range of contexts.
Identify personal qualities that contribute to a sense of self-worth.
Practice movement skills and demonstrate the ability to link them in order to perform movement sequences.
Use modified equipment in a range of contexts and identify how this enhances movement experiences.
Experience creative, regular, and enjoyable physical activities and describe the benefits to well-being.
Develop and apply rules and practices in games and activities to promote fair, safe, and culturally appropriate participation for all.
Music (Thursday) -
Focus: Exploring, creating and performing music suitable for a Musical Evening
NZ Curriculum Key Concepts:
1: Practical Knowledge: Beats for different streets
2: Developing ideas: How they develop in different cultures
3: Communicating and Interpreting: Our own interpretations.
4: Understanding context for different purposes and cultures. Summer and Christmas around the world.
Art (Thursday) -
Focus: Extending their knowledge of the art element shape/form (2D and 3D) through sculpture. Exploring mixed media techniques with a focus on developing their colour understanding.
NZ Curriculum Key Concepts:
Practical knowledge through exploring wet and dry techniques
Developing ideas through creating their own individual artworks