Hero photograph
Busy painting
Photo by Karla Anderson

Getting creative for our Heart values

Karla Anderson —

At the end of last year the junior students painted story rocks as a part of their art exhibition.

These rocks were to be placed in a heart shape to represent the school's heart values. However, the Heart was made larger allowing space for more students to add their rocks. Hannah our Enviro Student leader asked if we could paint more rocks to add it to the heart. So a group of keen students met up and began cleaning and painting the remaining rocks at school. 

It is wonderful to see so many students keen to join in a larger school project that adds colour and happiness to our school space. Thank you to Liz for coming in and helping us get started. I'm sure we will carry on painting more features around the school in the next wee while with the enthusiasm that has begun to develop. We look forward to sharing the completed rock Heart garden art soon.