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Please Sign In

Carolyn Crow —

We would like to remind you that you must sign in if you visit the school during the day.

Our sign-in requirements are that if you are onsite between 9.00am and 2.45 pm you need to come into the office and use the Vis-Tab. This is to ensure that should there be a fire evacuation or other emergency, we can use the Vis-Tab to help us account for everyone. 

During our last fire drill we had a parent onsite who had not signed in and stood in the foyer while the siren sounded and the message to evacuate played. This did not show Sherwood in a good light to the fire safety inspector who was there to evaluate our drill.

If you have grandparents, other family or friends coming into the school on your behalf, we would appreciate it if you would let them know what they need to do.