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If your child is unwell ...

Carolyn Crow —

It's that time of year when we have many children unwell.

Sometimes it's just the usual winter coughs and colds, and we do appreciate you keeping them home for them to recover and also to avoid passing it on to other students and staff. In a confined area such as a classroom, germs spread very easily from person to person. You can also help by providing your child with tissues and reinforcing good hand-washing procedures with them. Teacher will also be reminding their students.

Sometimes we have children away with infectious diseases e.g. chicken pox. As we have some immune-compromised children, we appreciate you letting the school know so we can advise their parents. There are good guidelines available on how these diseases are spread, early symptoms , time between exposure and sickness, and how long a child should be excluded from school. Attached here is a pdf of these guidelines that you may find useful. When your child is returning to school, an email or call to confirm they are no longer contagious would be appreciated so that we know all is well.