Hero photograph
Yay for Trees! The wonderful group of tree planters. 
Photo by Karla Anderson

Trees are planted!

Karla Anderson —

On Saturday, a fantastic group of students and parents came to help plant the native tree embankment. We are extremely grateful to Restore Hibiscus and Bays for funding the trees we planted. A big thank you to the members of our local community who also joined us from Northcross Intermediate, our Enviro Schools Advisor and their families.

Whaea Maria said a beautiful karakia before we started our mahi (work) of planting the 405 native trees on the embankment behind the turf. We had many students from Year 1 through to high school helping out. It was great to see the older students help the younger ones, families introducing themselves to each other, and staff getting involved making this a wonderful community event. Even between heavy rain and moments of sunshine the work and planting went on with commitment and smiles.

We still have a bit of mulching to do but it sure does look great. The students at Sherwood will now learn how to maintain the native trees by monitoring them, watering and protecting them from pests. This has been a good start to restore some of the trees that had been destroyed behind our school and to re-establish a natural eco system that links to the existing native bush at our neighbouring school. We look forward to watching the trees grow alongside us, seeing the return of native birds and insects and having many fantastic learning opportunities for our students and community in the future. 

Thank you so much again to those who came on that day for all your support and time.