Hero photograph
Learning how to care for our garden.
Photo by Karla Anderson

Getting stuck in!

Karla Anderson —

A group of Year 1 ākonga (students) have been working hard in the garden.

Over the past 2 weeks some of our Year 1 students have been getting stuck in and helping out around our school's Enviro garden. They have been eager to learn about different weeds, weeding correctly and why we need to weed.

We have cleared space in some garden beds and topped up with fresh topsoil. The excitement of wearing gardening gloves, using spades, mini rakes and pulling weeds is contagious among the group. They have also learnt how to plant new seedlings such as lettuce, tomatoes, yellow beans and snow peas.

It has been wonderful to see the curiosity and exploration unfold in the garden. From finding bugs and insects to smelling the different flowers and tasting the raspberries and a few strawberries. Learning through everyday experiences and learning to care about our environment is a valuable part of our curriculum.

"Mō tātou te taiao ko te atawhai, mō tāiao ko te oranga. It is for us to care for and look after the environment to ensure its wellbeing, in doing so we ensure our own wellbeing and that of our future generations" (NZ Curriculum).