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Enviro Updates

Karla Anderson —

New things are happening in Term 2 in the Enviro Garden .......

Last week we propagated calendula seeds and replanted them to encourage bees to our garden and to add some colour. It will look amazing when they begin to bloom. 

This week the children started planning two new exciting mini projects - a scarecrow and a fairy garden.  We started clearing the spaces in preparation and would like to start collecting materials to create and complete these projects. If you have anything that you could donate to these projects please send them along to Mrs Smal or Mrs Anderson.

Another exciting new addition to our school will be our 'friendship seat'  that has been ordered and made for our school. This friendship seat was discussed and fundraised for last year as part of the anti-bullying week.  This new friendship seat will be placed at the end of the new two-storey building.  This area will be cleared and tidied up ready for its delivery so that we can create a space to encourage children to develop friendships and enjoy a quiet space to sit.  

We have also done such a great job recycling our paper and cardboard last year that we have earned quite a few trees that will be donated to our school from paper4trees Environmental Education Resource Sustainability Trust. 

Ka Pai Sherwood!