Hero photograph
New Garden shed
Photo by Karla Anderson

Welcome back to Term 4 - Enviro updates....

Karla Anderson —

After the Spring holidays we were very excited to see our brand new shed in the enviro garden. A very big thank you to Lara's family for donating it to our school and to Mr Allaker for building it. Mr Allaker has also kindly built some shelves using recycling materials to store all garden equipment safely. The new shed is a huge improvement on our old little shed, because it is sturdy and there is much more space to store all garden tools. Thank you to our SPA parents for donation towards the foundation to build the shed. We really appreciate your support. The children were also super excited to see some caterpillars on the swan plants and we hope to help the environment by breeding a whole bunch of beautiful monarch butterflies. The bees are also visiting more often which is lovely to see. The children have been busy weeding and preparing for a bumper crop of strawberries by laying pea straw around the plants to protect and hold moisture during their growing season. They have also helped plant some summer vegetables like sugar peas and zucchini as well as more rosemary plants. The garden is looking bright and colourful with the flowers blooming.