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Opportunity for parents to meet with teachers

Carolyn Crow —

We look forward to meeting with as many of you as possible in the last week of term.

There will be an opportunity for parent meetings from 3.30pm to 8.00pm on:

Wednesday 1st July and Thursday 2nd July (Week 12).

At these meetings teachers (and senior students) will discuss the goals that they will be focusing on. It will also be an opportunity for you to find out where your child is at and share any insights gained from the time when they were learning at home. 

In lieu of our usual end of Term 2 report, you will receive a written summary of the goals, and suggestions of ways you can help at home. For any parents who are unable to attend in person, this summary will be sent home at the end of the term. 

Please go to the School Interviews site, select Make A Booking and use the booking code muc4n