Term 4 Touch Rugby Registrations are Open!
Registrations are now open for students in Years 1 to 6 :)
As the summer weather comes out to play, so do our touch teams! Check out Enorlmy for Term 4 registrations.
For Year 1&2 students (and any new entrants that are super keen), games are played on Tuesday afternoons. The venue cannot be confirmed until the Council allocate all bookings. At this stage it looks like games will be played at Mairangi Bay Park. Games are two 15 minutes halves, with no half time break. Game times will likely be 3.45pm, 4.15pm, 4.45pm, 5.15pm. (Please note, these times are subject to change).
For Year 3 to 6 students, games are played on Monday afternoons. The venue cannot be confirmed until the Council allocate all bookings. At this stage it looks like games will be played at Ashley Reserve, Long Bay. Games are two 15 minutes halves, with no half time break. Game times will likely be 3.45pm, 4.15pm, 4.45pm, 5.15pm, 5.45pm, 6.15pm and 6.45pm. (Please note, these times are subject to change).
For more information and registration, please visit Enrolmy - https://enrolmy.com/sherwood-primary-school or contact Andrew at andrews@sherwoodprimary.school.nz