Team Reminders

Matai Teachers —

Book Bags:

We are happy for you to use your book bag from last year - no need to purchase a new one! Could we ask for your support please in ensuring that your child has their book bag every day at school? Our books and readers are precious to us and we are very lucky to have some amazing reading books at Sherwood and they last longer when cared for inside of a book bag. For the first few weeks, check if your child has it every day and then we encourage your child to remember for themselves as we do have a policy of no book bag - no book. Your help and support with this is greatly appreciated! Inside their book bag will be their poem folder (every day) and any readers that they are given.


Headphones are part of our stationery list. Please purchase the over-the-ear type of headphones (not bluetooth) and make sure they are labelled. These will be kept at school for use during the day except for Matai M who will keep their headphones inside of their book bags at all times. We use a combination of iPads and Chromebooks and we closely monitor the time spent on these devices, as per school guidelines. We have a no-sharing policy at Sherwood for headphones. If you wish the headphones to come home during the school holidays, please let your child's teacher know. 


In Matai we do not use or need pencil cases - all stationery is provided within the class.


Please refrain from sending cake, food, or sweets to school to share when it is your child's birthday. We will celebrate their birthday with them by singing Happy Birthday and making their day special but we have a number of children with allergies and as we have around 90 children in Matai this equates to a lot of lollies to provide to everyone! Thank you for your understanding. If your child would like to share a special present they received, rather than bring it to school, please take a photo and send it to your child's teacher. We would be happy to share it with the class.