Hero photograph
Photo by Sherwood School

School uniform

Sherwood School —

Is your child wearing the correct uniform?

We have noticed some of our students are coming to school wearing incorrect uniform items. Here's just a reminder of what to check your child is wearing before they leave for school:

  • Hats - Only school hats should be worn
    • School hats are a required sun-safe item in Terms 1 & 4. 
    • We encourage you to purchase the latest bucket hat with the quick release safety cord.
  • Leggings (tights & thermal underwear) - These should be either black, grey or navy.
  • Sweatshirts - Only school sweatshirts please. 
  • Shoes - Black, brown, grey or navy blue.
    • Sports trainers/sneakers recommended.
    • No wheels and no flashing lights
    • No high heels
    • Leather shoes acceptable
    • Velcro fasteners are a good option if students cannot tie shoelaces
  • Laundry Pen - We encourage you to name all your child's uniform items by purchasing the laundry pen ($5.20). 

Click here for more information about our school uniform.