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Sherwood Primary

Welcome Rimu

Welcome Back Rimu

Rimu Teachers - September 8, 2023

Welcome to Term 4! We hope you had a lovely break with warmer weather. The Rimu teachers have exciting learning planned for our ākonga this term including the much-loved inquiry, Young Ocean Explorers. New Zealand is an island nation. It is in our Kiwi culture to enjoy the beaches that surround us! We will have a trip to the Browns Bay beach as part of this inquiry to do a quick clean up, and enjoy fish and chips in a true Kiwi style! Please refer to the Dates to Note to know when this trip is taking place.

Note that PE and Music will continue on Tuesdays.

Rimu Team
Teachers: Seon Jin Park (Team Leader, Rimu P), Christina Purdon (Rimu CP), and Lida Bredenkamp (Rimu L)
Learning Assistant (including ESOL): Sarah Cooling