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Rata Science Inquiry

Delyth Cook —

During the first half of the term, Rata students had a lot of fun doing practical science experiments with an ‘Energy’ focus.

Students worked on making circuits using bulbs, buzzers and motors with Mrs Smits. Mrs Cook had a big focus on magnet investigations. Students attending Mrs Pike’s science workshop got to explore the circuit making using ‘Brainbox’ kits. Mrs Dunning’s groups looked at static electricity as well as which materials are conductors and insulators. Mrs Hall looked at designing circuits using materials such as paper clips and split pins. Makey Makey was the focus for Mrs Eales groups. Makey Makey is an electronic invention tool and toy that allows users to connect everyday objects to computer programs. All of the students had the opportunity to attend all six workshops. They improved their knowledge and practical skills and had fun collaborating with others in the process! In Technology, students are now applying their knowledge to make an original and creative game using magnetism and/or electricity.