Kauri Learning
Health -
All students will take part in the Keeping Ourselves Safe programme in the middle of this term.
Keeping Ourselves Safe is a comprehensive child abuse prevention programme for schools, developed in conjunction with NZ Police. Its purpose is to:
teach students a range of safe practices that they can use when interacting with other people, both online and face to face
teach students how to recognise the difference between healthy and unhealthy relationships, and encourage students who have been or are being abused to seek help
prevent abuse by making parents and teachers more aware of their responsibilities to help students avoid abuse.
We work with our Community Constable, Tania Wansink, to deliver this programme. Tania is hosting a parent information meeting on Thursday 15th August at 9:00 am in the school staff room. You can also access parent information here: KOS Parent Information
Inquiry Learning Area - The Arts (Dance)
The Big idea: We can use dance to share about ourselves.
Lines of Inquiry:
We can move our bodies in different ways to show ideas and feelings.
We can tell stories through dance.
We can show our culture through dance.
Better Start Literacy Programme (BSLA)
Recount writing, inquiry writing and writing in response to our book elaborations (stories)
Casey Caterpillar - letter formation, pencil grip and letter sizing
Oral Language:
BSLA - retelling and vocabulary discussions. Vocabulary elaborations. News telling – speaking and listening skills/questioning skills using question prompts
Library Day: Friday
Mathematics -
Number knowledge to 10, 20 and above.
Problem solving based on addition, subtraction, multiplication and division
Space: Position, Orientation and Location
Measurement: Time
Te Reo Māori
Schoolwide Te Reo programme. Colours, numbers, greetings, days of the week, basic instructions.
Digital Technology (e-learning):
Care and safety of devices.
Scanning QR codes.
Coding using Beebots and Cubetto.
Seesaw - recording speech, taking photos and videos, adding text and using drawing tools.
Activity based learning programmes - Seesaw, Stepsweb, Skoolbo as required
Specialist Subjects (Monday and Thursday rotation) -
PE -
Focus: Small Ball Skills - Modified ball activities and Gym Fun
NZ Curriculum Key Concepts:
Participate in creative and regular physical activities and identify enjoyable experiences
Develop a wide range of movement skills, using a variety of equipment and play environments
Participate in creative and regular physical activities and identify enjoyable experiences.
Describe and use safe practices in a range of contexts and identify people who can help
Participate in a range of games and activities and identify the factors that make participation safe and enjoyable
Music -
Focus: Encouraging appreciation of Chinese and Pasifika Music and Dance by watching, listening and moving.
NZ Curriculum Key Concepts :
1: Practical Knowledge: Keeping the beat. Moving in time with the Music.
2: Developing ideas:Ways to move and play percussion.
3: Communicating and Interpreting: Sharing the values of a particular culture through movement and playing.
4: Understanding context for different purposes and cultures.Singing songs of celebration for different purposes.
Art -
Focus:Introducing shape and form through sculpture and exploring the art element of texture.
NZ Curriculum Key Concepts:
Practical knowledge through exploring wet and dry media techniques
Practical knowledge through learning about 3D form with sculpture.
Developing ideas through creating their own individual artworks