by Sherwood Parents Association

Put those lunch boxes away and choose a Sausage Sizzle lunch on Friday 30 September!

Sherwood Parents AssociationSeptember 13, 2022

You can order a BBQ Sausage in bread (or 2) for lunch on the last day of term for your child. Order forms will be going home next week. Sausage sizzle are $2 each.

The fine print:

Watch out for order forms coming home next week. A big Thanks to New World Browns Bay for sponsoring our sausages this term.

Image by: Sherwood Parents Association

Order forms must be completed and returned to school with the correct cash amount by Wednesday 28 September. You can choose a sausage in bread with or without tomato sauce. No orders will be taken on the day.

Sausages are precooked (and may contain pork, beef and/or lamb), and BBQ'd at school. We ensure they meet correct temperature before serving to each classroom. 

All proceeds will be going towards our Junior classes play area and sandpit.

Any other questions, or if you are available to help on the morning of 30 September, please email us:

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