Hero photograph

Pōhutukawa Learning

Carolyn Crow —

Here's what we're focusing on this term

Health - 

All students will take part in the Keeping Ourselves Safe programme in the middle of this term. 

Keeping Ourselves Safe is a comprehensive child abuse prevention programme for schools, developed in conjunction with NZ Police. Its purpose is to:

  • teach students a range of safe practices that they can use when interacting with other people, both online and face to face

  • teach students how to recognise the difference between healthy and unhealthy relationships, and encourage students who have been or are being abused to seek help

  • prevent abuse by making parents and teachers more aware of their responsibilities to help students avoid abuse.

We work with our Community Constable, Tania Wansink, to deliver this programme. Tania is hosting a parent information meeting on Thursday 15th August at 9:00 am in the school staff room. You can also access parent information here: KOS Parent Information

Inquiry Learning Area - Science

The Big idea: 

Animals have different structural, physiological, and behavioural features that help them to survive. 

Lines of Inquiry: 

  • Birds have specific structures that define them as birds. 

  • The size and shape of a structure are suited to the functions it carries out. 

  • All the structures of one type of bird work together to help it survive. 

Students will explore the science concepts that underpin understanding of birds and their structure, function and adaptations. 


Reading: Our ‘Terrific 10 Comprehension Strategy’ we will be focussing on is Inference. 


What is an inference? You infer when you use clues and what you already know to come up with an idea. 

You can practise making inferences with short videos. Example:

Box Clever - Simon's Cat 

Discuss with your child:

Why is the cat upset?

Why doesn’t the cat want to get into the crate?

Where do you think the man wants to go? 


This term, we will be focussing on: 

  • Sentences - Different types of sentences such as simple sentences and compound sentences. Students will be learning to use complex sentences.  

  • Grammar - making sure we are using the English language correctly. Students are learning to check if their sentences make sense, that no words are missing, and that words are used correctly.  

  • Punctuation - Using capital letters and full stops correctly. Students are encouraged to experiment with other types of common punctuation such as speech marks, apostrophes, question marks and exclamation marks. 

  • Spelling - accurately spelling words. Students learn to use dictionaries when they edit their work to correct some spelling errors. 

Library Day: Thursday

Maths -


We will continue to focus on number knowledge. We will also be learning about multiplication and division. Please practise the times tables at home. Here are some good websites to help with learning the times tables: 

Times Tables 

Multiplication Fruit Splat

Multiplication Mayhem  

Other Maths Strands:

Measurement - Time

We will be learning to

  • Recognise the length of a minute

  • Recognise the length of a second

  • Tell time after the hour by counting the minutes

  • Tell time to the hour and half-hour using analogue and digital clocks. 

  • Solve time problems involving hours and half hours. 

Geometry - Transformation

We will be learning to

  • Make patterns that involve translations, reflections, and rotations

  • Identify translations, reflections, or rotations in patterns. 

Digital Technology

Typing skills

Children will be learning to type with the correct positioning of hands, and learning where the letters are on the keyboard. We use Dance Mat Typing. Children can practise at home. 

Dance Mat Typing 

Specialist Subjects (Thursday) -

PE :

Focus: Earn to Fern - Paris Olympics and Run, Jump, Throw

NZ Curriculum Key Concepts:

  • Experience creative, regular, and enjoyable physical activities and describe the benefits to well-being.

  • Describe how individuals and groups share characteristics and are also unique.

  • Learning about cultures through the games they play

  • Identify risk and use safe practices in a range of contexts

  • Identify personal qualities that contribute to a sense of self-worth

  • Practice movement skills and demonstrate the ability to link them in order to perform movement sequences

Music : 

Focus: Expressing a new season in Aotearoa using waiata and dance; creating and performing songs about our immediate environment.

NZ Curriculum Key Concepts:

1: Practical Knowledge: Learning pukana

2: Developing ideas: By listening and extending ideas.

3: Communicating and Interpreting:  Giving it a go. Creating a safe place for interpretation

4: Understanding context  for different purposes and cultures. Understanding one’s own culture and appreciating others

Art :

Focus:Extending their knowledge of the art element shape/form (2D and 3D) and value (light and dark). Developing their drawing techniques, and exploring different painting techniques through experimentation and looking at a NZ artist.

NZ Curriculum Key Concepts:

  • Practical knowledge through exploring wet and dry techniques

  • Developing ideas through creating their own individual artworks

  • Communicating and interpreting through exploring the meanings behind artworks

  • Understanding context through exploring a NZ artist and why they make their work