by Jeff Johnstone
Jeff Johnstone — May 6, 2021
Upcoming events are listed on the new website, however here's some more information about events happening soon!
Book Parade - Friday 14 May at 9:15am (Tomorrow!) - Dress up as your favourite book character.
Book Fair - Friday 14 May to Wednesday 19 May Before school (8:15am - 9am) and after school (3pm and 3:30pm) in the Library.
South African Parents Morning Tea - Tuesday 18 May, 9am - 10am in the staffroom. Another opportunity to connect with one of our community groups and for them to connect with each other
Pink Shirt Day - Friday 21 May - Wear Pink and bring a gold coin donation to support the Mental Health Foundation (Speak Up, Stand Together, Stop Bullying!).
New Parents Morning Tea - Wednesday 26 May, 9am - 10am in the staffroom. An information session and an opportunity to meet other new parents.