by Andrew Smart

Shore to Shore is back! But there's something different...

Andrew SmartMay 11, 2021

Looking for your next family adventure? Could Shore to Shore be the answer?

Shore to Shore is back for another year but not as we know it. Introducing...

Shore to Shore GO! 

Due to Covid circumstances we have all become accustomed to, Harbour Sport have adapted the event for this year. Instead of hosting a community 5km fun run/walk. The event will be a 5km fun run/walk that you can complete on your own. 

I know what your thinking, how on Earth does that work? Well let us tell you...You and your family can create your own course in the community and complete in your own time with friends and families. Don't worry there are still lots of prizes up for grabs! Not only that, half of each entry fee is donated back to Sherwood School in the form of valuable sports equipment, striving to keep our youth active and healthy.

Here's how it works:

  1. Register for Shore to Shore at:
  2. Check your Email for the order confirmation – this also has the Participants Evidence Submission Link post-event.
  3. Within the week from 22 May to 30 May, walk or run your 5kms with family, friends or colleagues – Make sure you capture the participant evidence of your 5km achievement!
  4. You will need one of the following to submit via the Participants Evidence Form after you have completed your 5km:
    - Your before, during or after photo completing your 5km course 
    - Screen Shot of your 5km course – Google Maps/ Fit Bit/ Strava 

If this sounds like a bit of you then Harbour Sport want to help. Register for 2 people and get the 3rd free! Just enter the coupon code ‘S2SGoSchool’ at the checkout. (Limited coupons available – valid between May 7th and 19th 2021).

Here's an example of a course Mr Smart might do but he will need to complete 3-4 laps to get to 5kms! (It's conveniently the same course for the Senior Cross Country so it could be a great opportunity for some training...)

Year 5&6 Cross Country Course: Approx 1.5km — Image by: Andrew Smart

For more information visit:

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