by Jeff Johnstone
Jeff Johnstone — March 30, 2022
Do you know the updated rules?
Following our Covid-19 risk assessment and health and safety review process, the Board has agreed to the following Covid Health Measures:
Parents and caregivers dropping off and picking up their child
Wearing a mask outside is encouraged but not a requirement.
Wear a mask inside according to the traffic light setting (see below). Under the current Orange setting, masks are encouraged but not a requirement.
Visitors entering the school grounds during the day (not drop off or pick up)
Sanitise your hands (sanitiser available in the foyer and reception)
Report to the school office (all visitors must sign in on our Vistab)
Wear a mask inside according to the traffic light setting (see below). Under the current Orange setting, masks are encouraged but not a requirement.
Wearing a mask outside is encouraged but not a requirement.
Scanning a QR code poster is not required.
Basic Hygiene - Basic hygiene measures continue including hand sanitising, cough and sneeze etiquette, avoid face touching, and regular cleaning and disinfecting of surfaces.
If you are sick - stay home and get tested - Staff will observe children on arrival, checking for symptoms. Those presenting as unwell will have their parents or caregivers contacted to come and pick them up.
Ventilation - All classrooms will have their doors and windows open in line with Ministry of Education guidelines on colder days.
Mask wearing
Red - Masks are required inside for Year 4, 5 & 6 students and staff.
Orange - Encouraged but not a requirement.
Green - Not required.
Red - No Assemblies
Orange - Separate Junior (Y1-3) and Senior (Y4-6) Assemblies. Parents and visitors are welcome to attend. Masks are encouraged but not a requirement.
Green - Full school assemblies can happen. Parents and visitors are welcome to attend.
From Term 2, parents and caregivers will no longer be updated via Seesaw when a student gets a positive test for Covid in their child’s year group.