It's understandable if you are unsure of exactly how things are happening at school at the moment (there's been a few changes due to Covid!).
Here's what you need to know:
Drop offs & pick ups
- All children can be dropped off at school anytime after 8:30am (not earlier please!) regardless of their class start time.
- From 8:30am, children are allowed to play on the playground before their class starts.
- Parents and caregivers can enter the school grounds as long as they are wearing a mask and distance themselves from others and the classroom.
- We strongly recommend all Year 0/1 children are dropped off and picked up from near their classroom.
- Northcross Intermediate students are allowed to 'walk the fence' to and from Montclair walkway, however all other NX students should walk down Sartors Ave and not cross the field.
Absent and Late Students
- Please advise us if your child will be absent via Seesaw – Absent Notifications, preferably before 8:00am.
- If your child is late to class they are required to get a late pass from the school office.
Home learning
Anything else?
- To answer a question from earlier in the week... Rapid Antigen Tests (RATs) are readily available for any teacher who requires one.
- Please message your teacher if you are unsure about anything else.