Team Reminders by Carolyn Crow

Kauri Team Reminders

Kauri TeachersSeptember 14, 2023

We’re hopeful for some sunshine this term with Summer on the way, so please ensure your child has a school hat to wear every day and a bottle of fresh water to drink. Hats are compulsory this term and in Term 1.

We are seeing more and more of our Kauri students arriving at school with incorrect uniform. Please could you review your child’s school uniform, ensuring that they have plain black, white, grey or navy socks and also our Sherwood pants or shorts rather than leggings, as outlined in our Uniform Policy (see the School Reminders article). 

It is also very important for all items of clothing to be clearly named, particularly if it has had a previous owner.

At the beginning of each day, the class teacher will go through the timetable for the day and also any changes to the normal routine. Instructions are also given on activities that are available and the expectations of each. It is therefore very important that your child is at school and in the classroom ready to start when the bell goes at 8.50 a.m. We have an increasing number of late-comers and this is quite disruptive. If you need to talk to the class teacher, please arrive well before the bell or arrange an appointment time.

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