Term 2 Learning by Carolyn Crow

What we're learning in Rata

Rata TeachersApril 3, 2024

Inquiry Learning Area - Science

Big Idea - Is space exploration a waste of time, money and resources?

Lines of Inquiry

  • The universe around us is vast.

  • Humans are natural explorers.

  • Great things come from risks.

  • Matariki

Health and Wellbeing -

Fitness in-class sessions

Wellness journals which incorporate mindfulness, gratitude and other well-being-focused activities.

Literacy -


We will explore a range of comprehension strategies with the main focus being inference, evaluation and reorganisation. The children will continue to develop their research skills in our inquiry unit.

At this year level, children are expected to read a book of their choice for 15-20 min every day.


Daily writing challenges and modules on Writers Tool Box

Narrative writing - Looking at setting, characters, problem and resolution.

Information and persuasive reports, based on our Inquiry learning.

Steps Web is another important home learning tool that is tailored to your child's specific level. Please encourage them to go on this a few times a week.

Mathematics -


Building on our number knowledge so we can use it to solve life problems. Using all the types of operations.

Below are some websites to help practice maths at home.

Steve Storm



Times Tables


Times Tables Rock Stars

Strand - Statistical investigation:

  • Conduct investigations using the statistical inquiry cycle

  • Statistical literacy

  • Probability

Te Reo Māori -

Matariki - its importance and customs surrounding the New Year celebrations.

How the Maori people used the stars to navigate through our inquiry topic.

Weekly Te Reo lessons from Week 6, School-wide programme.

Digital Technology -

Google Drive, Google Classroom, Canva, Minecraft, Scratch

PE (Wednesday) -

Focus: Fit for Life and Bonjour Paris Olympics

NZ Curriculum Key Concepts:

  • Identify the pressures that can influence interactions with other people and demonstrate basic assertiveness strategies to manage these.

  • Participate in communal events and describe how such events enhance the well-being of the community.

  • Plan and implement a programme to enhance an identified social or physical aspect of their classroom or school environment.

Music (Wednesday) -

Focus: Writing, exploring and performing graphic notation to represent values and traditions of other cultures including Aotearoa.

NZ Curriculum Key Concepts

1: Practical Knowledge: Observing scores and graphic notation from different cultures.

2: Developing ideas: Creating a bigger picture of a song I know well.

3: Communicating and Interpreting a dance or song we have learned at school, home or with a Music teacher.

4: Understanding context for different purposes and cultures. Sharing traditions with each other and the Music that goes with it.

Art (Wednesday) -

Focus: Extending their knowledge of line and introducing value (tone) in art through perspective drawing. Looking at practising NZ artists to create sculpture cardboard cities.

NZ Curriculum Key Concepts

  • Practical Knowledge through exploring various wet and dry media techniques

  • Developing ideas through analysing artists and planning and designing their own work

  • Communicating and interpreting through exploring the purpose behind artworks

  • Understanding context through exploring artists and why they create art

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