Rimu Term 3 Welcome by Carolyn Crow

Welcome Back Rimu

Rimu TeachersJune 16, 2023

Welcome to Term 3! We trust that you had a rejuvenating and enjoyable break. We have an exciting term ahead for our students, filled with swimming and art inquiry. Please make sure to check the 'Team Dates to Note' for important information regarding our gallery visit and swimming schedule.

We extend a warm welcome to the newest members of Rimu whānau. Let's greet Larry Liu, who will be joining Rimu CP, Hannah Botha and Cynthia Hu, who will be joining Rimu P, and Louchu Li, who will be joining Rimu L.

Just a friendly reminder that we have parent-teacher interviews scheduled for Wednesday and Thursday of Week 1. To book a time slot, please visit the school interview website: https://www.schoolinterviews.co.nz/bvXaSDL/step1.

We value open communication and believe that children thrive when there is a strong relationship between teachers and parents. Should you have any questions or concerns throughout the academic year, please don't hesitate to reach out to your child's teacher. We are here to support you and your child's educational journey.

Rimu Team:
Seon Jin Park - Rimu P Kaiako, Year 5 Teamleader

Lida Bredenkamp- Rimu L Kaiako

Christina Purdon- Rimu CP Kaiako

Sarah Cooling- Learning Assistant, ESOL Assistant

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