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Sherwood Primary

Rimu Term 3 Newsletter 2023

Term 3 Begins: Monday 17 July

Parent/Teacher Meetings:

School closes at 1:00 pm

Matariki Breakfast & Sharing Morning: Friday 28 July

Senior School Assembly: Friday 4 August 1:40 pm

Whole School Assembly: Friday 18 August 2:00 pm

Kāhui Ako Cultural Festival: Thursday 31 August

Senior School Assembly: Friday 1 September 1:40 pm

School Photographs: Thursday 7 September

Term 3 Ends: Friday 22 September 


Rimu Term 3 Welcome

Welcome Back Rimu

by Rimu Teachers

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Love to learn

Rimu Term 3 Learning

by Rimu Teachers

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Dates Calendar

Rimu Team Dates To Note

by Rimu Teachers

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Learn create share

Sharing Our Learning

by Sherwood School Team

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Some reminders for you...

by Sherwood School Team

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Communicating With Teachers

by Sherwood School Team

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