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Sherwood Primary

School Newsletter - Term 3 Week 2 2024

Upcoming events

Assemblies this term

Term dates, public holidays & teacher only days

Term 3 - Monday 22 July to Friday 27 September

Term 4 - Monday 14 October to Friday 20 December


Don't be late!

by Sherwood School

If you snooze, you lose!

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Harvesting from our school's Māra Kai - Food Garden for Matariki

by Karla Anderson

As part of our learning for Matariki and our inquiry on how we care for plant life because it is a life sustaining resource, we joined together to make a healthy hua whenua (vegetable) soup.

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After 3pm at school

by Sherwood School

Parents are responsible for their children

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Sherwood Parents Association

by Sherwood Parents Association

Thanks for supporting our Pizza Hut fundraiser!

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New canopy

by Sherwood School

Shelter from the rain

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Is your child sick?

by Sherwood School

Keep them at home!

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Table tennis tables

by Sherwood School

A generous donation!

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A big 'thanks' to our 2024 sponsors!

by Sherwood School

Please support our valued sponsors!

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Before and After School Care (BASC)

by Sherwood School

A safe, friendly and stimulating environment for your children

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by Sherwood School

Term Three menu

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