2024 - Upcoming events
Tuesday 3 - Friday 6 December - Year 6 Camp
Thursday 12 & Friday 13 December at 6.30pm - Year 3 & 4 Musical Show
Tuesday 17 December at 1:45pm - Prizegiving Assembly
Wednesday 18 December - Year 6 Graduation Disco
Friday 20 December - School finishes at 1pm
2025 - First week of school
Monday 3 February - Parent Teacher Interviews (*see below)
Tuesday 4 February - School starts for all students
Wednesday 5 February - A normal school day
Thursday 6 February - Waitangi Day Public Holiday (school closed)
Friday 7 February - Teacher only Day (school closed)
*On Monday 3 February, parents will have the opportunity to meet with their child's teacher for a 10 minute meeting to share about their child's strengths and areas for development. Students are also expected to attend the meeting. Bookings for interviews will be available the last week of term 4.