Helping At Home
Read and talk together daily:
Get your child to tell you about what they are reading:
Who is their favourite character and why?
Is there anyone like that in your family?
What do they think is going to happen next?
What have they learnt from their reading?
Does it remind them of any of their own experiences?
Have fun
Keep writing fun and use any excuse you can think of to encourage your child to write about anything. Talk about ideas and information they are going to write about. Discussing the information and main ideas can help their planning for writing and their understanding too. Start a diary or write a story together, focussing on putting the events in the correct order. Making sure you use capital letters for the beginning of sentences, finger spaces between words, and ending our sentence with a full stop. Share your own writing with your child - lists, planning for family events, songs, letters or emails.You can help them to see that you too use writing for different purposes.
Please practise basic facts regularly with your child. Basic facts should be quick
recognition, not counting.
At the beginning of the year, we focus on the following basic facts:
Counting, reading and ordering numbers up to 100.
Number bonds that = 10, such as 5 + 5, 7 + 3, 4 + 6.
Basic addition and subtraction facts to 10.
Teen numbers - 10 + 3, 10 + 4, 10 + 9
Doubles up to 10 + 10.
Talk together and have fun with numbers and patterns:
Help your child to:
Find and connect numbers around your home and neighbourhood
Name the number that is 10 more or 10 less than before or after a number up to 100
Make patterns when counting in groups: (skip counting) forwards and backward, starting with different numbers (eg. 13, 23, 33…)