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Sherwood Primary

Pohutukawa Term 1 2023 Newsletter

Friday 3rd February - Whole School Assembly 2:15 pm

Thursday 9th February - School Community Picnic 5:00-7:30 pm

Friday 17th February - Senior Assembly 1:40 pm Junior Assembly 2:20 pm

Friday 3 March - Senior Assembly 1:40 pm Junior Assembly 2:20 pm

Friday 17th March - Whole School Assembly 2:15 pm

Friday 31st March - SPA Colour Run

Thursday 6th April - Term 1 ends 3:00 pm

Teacher Only Day: Monday 24th April

ANZAC Day: Tuesday 25th April

Term 2 Begins: Wednesday 26th April


Welcome Pohutukawa 2023

Welcome To Pohutukawa

by Pohutukawa Teachers

Year 3 2023

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Term 1 Learning

by Pohutukawa Teachers

We look forward to all this exciting learning across the term

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Team Reminders

Team Reminders & Information

by Pohutukawa Teachers

A few helpful reminders from Pohutukawa Team

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Pohutukawa Teams Dates & Events

by Pohutukawa Teachers

What's coming up...

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Sharing learning

Sharing Our Learning

by Sherwood Team

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Communicating With Teachers

by Sherwood Team

Let's keep in touch

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School Reminders

by Sherwood Team

Some useful information to help the year get off to a smooth start

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